My purpose is to improve movement, life quality, and wellness for all people. I utilize my athletic experience and personal research, military experience, and graduate-level academic experience to fulfill this purpose.
Kinesiology is the study, through scientific means, of how the human body moves in its environment(s). Understanding kinesiology helps a person move with higher quality, enhancing mobility, stability, motor control, and strength. Additionally, generally, it has the added benefit of improving quality of life. Let's face it, we are living longer, so the goal should be to live active, healthy, and pain-free for the length of our lives.
Have you ever felt fine one day and then been in discomfort the next, without ever understanding what occurred? Perhaps your muscles feel highly tight, or you experience soreness in your joints, and you want nothing more than to be able to enjoy walks in the park, your vacation, or simply daily activities as you once were able. Through postural and movement observation, meticulous exercise planning, and oversight, I can aid you in recovering your prior mobility, stability, and strength.
Most likely, you didn't get here overnight, but as my father told me in my younger years if you want to see improvement, you must put in the work. Reversal of your circumstances will require research and effort on my part and commitment and effort on yours; if you have that commitment and willingness, I, as a movement specialist, can help you.
Larry Fauchier, Father, Coach, and Mentor